Sunday, November 27, 2011

Lanterns for Sale


“Don’t get caught up in the dark!”
Cordless lantern that take DD batteries.  Lanterns can sit or hang.  Black and white color.  Perfect for emergency preparedness.
Call Darlene Washington for more information.

Need a painter?

DV Relief Society:

I've got a friend whose husband (Mike Yoeman)  is a journeyman painter (union) and has been unemployed for over 8 months.  They are good people and he does good work.  If anyone needs some painting done, Mike is dependable, does good work and has reasonable prices.  I was amazed at what a difference there is between a professional job and my amateur work!  Mike does both interior and exterior work.  So if anyone is looking for a painter, give Mike a call at 302-6732.

Karren Hitchcock

Alison needs a babysitter

Hi Ladies!

Alison Miller needs a babysitter two days a week for her cute baby Emma from about 9:15-5:30. She will pay $25 a day.  If there is anyone interested please contact Alison directly or respond to this email. 
