Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Christmas Home Show!

Decorations, gifts, custom made bows for your trees & garland, wreaths ...
Friends welcome!

Kristin Cenname's home
Thursday 12-5,
Friday 9-7 and sat 9-2. 
2564 swans chance 89052

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Selling Anything?

If you have a Facebook account and have items to sell or if you are looking for certain items? There is now a safe way to sell your items to a closed group made up of friends and friends of friends in our area.
Robin (my sister) and I were invited to be apart of this group a week ago and have already sold old children's clothes, old sports cleats, DVD's, baby equipment, toys, and more! The most awesome part of it, these are mainly LDS women that you don't mind coming to your home! It's so easy!!
This is a closed group that you must need an invite to. If you'd like to be invited to buy or sell items contact me.

Kristin Cenname

rugs available

Darlene Donoghue-Anekwe has 2 oriental rugs that she is giving away.  Call her at 306-5716 if interested.

Upcoming Events

November 15th - Stake Temple Day

November 29th 7pm - Book Club (Les Miserables)

December 6th 6:30pm - Girl's Night Out at Laurie Koelliker's Home

December 15th 9am - Ward Christmas Breakfast