Tuesday, July 23, 2013

August Events

7th Playgroup at church, 10-11:30am

8th Recipe Club - slow cooker 7pm

10th 50's - Shakespeare's "Love's Labours Lost" $40 Contact Michelle Friedel

13th Relief Society Temple Day, 9:30am session (meet at Laurie Koelliker's home at 8:30am, lunch provided after), 7:30pm session (meet at Laurie Koelliker's home at 6:30pm, dessert provided after)

21st Ward Swim Party 6-8pm Bring your own dinner, water and dessert provided

Sitter Needed

On August 5, 6, and 7th, Dory Markling needs help watching her grandson's Ryan and Austin. She needs someone to either spend Sunday night (Aug. 4th), Monday night and Tuesday night with the boys until Paige arrives at 8 or 8:30 am or have someone come at 5:30 am until 8 or 8:30 am (when Paige arrives) on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  If you can help, please email her at jeranddor@cox.net or call at 896-4966.  Thanks!